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2045 Comprehensive Plan:
Officially adopted on March 20, 2024

The Board of Commissioners (BOC) met on March 20, 2024 and adopted the 2045 Comprehensive Plan with some changes to the Future Land Use Map and various changes in the plan document. This plan replaces the 2020 Comprehensive Plan. Due to the complicated nature of working with geospatial data that will be relied upon during development decisions, it may take staff some time to update the maps that are throughout the document. Staff have posted a version of the plan that includes all of the BOC's adopted changes but doesn't include the maps. This is temporary. If anyone has questions about this, please contact the Planning Department.


The next steps for staff and County committees is to create a prioritized implementation plan from the recommendations and action steps. Then the County will likely hire a consultant to assist staff in redeveloping the Land Development Code and rezoning the county. This approximate 18 month process will require immense public participation to ensure the best possible outcome for the community. To stay updated on this process, scroll to the bottom of this page to sign up for our mailing list. 

Click below to view the plan. You can also use the recordings link below to see past Board meetings, including the adoption meeting. 


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